Friday, April 8, 2011

eLeven Learning Fragments (Issue 2)

Here are eLeven of our favorite learning fragments that we've uncovered over the past month. Want more? Follow us on Twitter @learningexplosn.
Learning to Teach Online can be tricky at times. This site is filled with great learning fragments directed to teachers, helping them learn the basics.

Stephen Easley’s post shares “five very hard lessons about the state of the law on social media, blogging and beyond.”

How can we describe it…. It’s sort of like Twitter with images.

This informative article helps you figure out why you should blog for your business and what you should blog about.

There are a gazillion tools for Social Media. Before you get overwhelmed with them all, start with these 10.

Here’s a different take on the top news stories via visual representation.

If you do any sort of public speaking, here are some great, yet simple, steps to improve your presentation.

Oftentimes it seems that relaxing your brain from reading and switching to visuals can provide new ideas and thoughts to form. This blog has some great imagery to help feed your mind.

If you’re road warriors like us, you may find yourself lost in a foreign land with a few hours to kill. Apps like these will help make the most of your time.

Is a staring contest art? I guess is the MoMA streams it live over the web it is. Check out how museums are turning to social media to bring art to us.
Listen to this podcast via CastRoller to find out!

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